So I sat down on my couch ready to write.

I had these grandeur plans about writing a great blog post.

I bounced ideas off a good friend of mine (Todd), but nothing stuck.

I could write a post about fantasy baseball, since it was fresh in my mind after my only draft last Saturday. While it might be lame, I finish relatively well in the annual league (when I care about it) and could offer helpful tips and musings.

Or, I could wrap up my season “covering” the men’s basketball team at Georgia. It would be timely since Michigan State just ended the Bulldogs’ season in the NCAA Tournament, but I’ve done a bit of writing about my sidebars and such around these parts recently. Too much might be overkill.

Then I stumbled across this fantastic short film on YouTube entitled “Wrestling Isn’t Wrestling.” It’s truly worth a watch, if nothing else.

Near the end of the video, the narrator drops the hammer by saying, “The only thing wrestling isn’t, is wrestling.” Once I heard that, the wheels began turning in my mind (I know, a dangerous proposition).  Writing, to me, isn’t just writing.

Writing keeps me sane.

Writing combats an idle mind.

Writing opens doors.

Writing led me to where I am today.

Writing helps me feel vindicated.

Writing allows me to express myself.

Above all, writing is meant to be read.